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HerstellerFERG, S.L.
Produktgruppe Vollharmetall-Gewindefräser | Bohrgewindefräser
Technische Daten
Gewindesteigung16 mm
Produce and compete from Europe to the rest of the world, especially in the emergent countries, motivate us to find innovative solutions to remain our manufacturing processes competitive in cost and cycle production time. Get optimums production processes are basic requirements for the European tool-makers to continue manufacturing in the entire world. The FERG strengths are the large know how in the threading, the innovation, the quality and the technical support service. All this advantages allow us to provide our customers with the best threading solutions in the global markets. One of this innovative solutions for reduce the production costs are the carbide thread mailling cutter, and specifically the model BGF that give us the opportunity to combine three (drilling + chamfering + threading) operations in one same cutting tool. The FERG BGF carbide thread milling cutters are made with the best European micrograin tungsten carbide for provide a high wear resistance and an excellent tenacity. This kind of cutting tool offers us the opportunity to be used in large production series of the Automotive components sector, Motorbike sector, etc ... With the modern machines and new skilled personnel, more and more these tools are used in medium series for reduce the machining time and increase flexibility to the manufacturing capacity. Examples of this are in the Railway sector, Aeronautics sector, Hydraulics components sector, etc... A large range of threading milling cutters are available for the short chip materials as Aluminium, Aluminium - Magnesium alloys, grey cast iron, short chip bronze, ... The use of the FERG Solid Carbide Micrograin Thread Drill Milling Cutters provides the following advantages: - The combination of three tools in one, reducing working cycles, improving productivity and reducing tool storage - Reduction of tool changing times. - One same tool can be used for threading blind or through holes. - Reduction of setting times and machine adjustments. - Reduction of threading times due to high cutting speeds and feeds. - A great surface finishing with the precise dimensions can be obtained by thye adjustment of the correct cutting parameters. - Selecting the radial displacements of the tool we are able to get the desired dimensions of the thread. - Exact concentricity between the internal and the external thread diameter. - Useful for threading difficult holes and complex pieces. - BGF mills exercise a low cutting pressure facilitating the threading of thin wall pieces. - Production of small chips for and easy extraction. At present, if we apply the high technology solutions in our production processes, we have the opportunity to optimize our tools store and reduce the environmental costs, providing us efficiency and competitiveness. Do not hesitate to contact us, in FERG we are at your disposal to assist and solve your threading needs with standard or customised solutions.

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