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Conflict Minerals Anschreiben Lieferanten

Beitrag 16.11.2021, 15:27 Uhr
Level 1 = Community-Lehrling
ich such ein englisches Anschreiben bezüglich der Conflict Minerals Thematik an Lieferanten.
Bin über jeden Tipp sehr dankbar.

Beitrag 18.11.2021, 12:46 Uhr
Level 1 = Community-Lehrling

der führende Fragebogen hierzu (amerikabasiert) ist CRMT (Conflict Minerals Reporting Template), z.Zt. Version 6.1
Anschreiben hierzu:
XY is required to comply with Section 1502 of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act, also referred to as the Conflict Minerals rule. This requires manufacturers and suppliers to disclose whether their products contain gold, tin, tantalum or tungsten regardless of where they are sourced. XY is committed to complying with this directive, the aim of which is to stop funding of violent conflict in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and surrounding countries.

As part of this compliance process, companies survey their supply chain and report these results to the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. As a supplier for XY, we request that you complete the standard report, called a Conflict Minerals Reporting Template (CMRT) v. 6.1. To complete this form, you will require information regarding the use of these minerals and the smelters used in your supply chain.

Das ist das, was dahinter steckt.
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