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ModuleWorks announces that Autodesk and DN Solutions adopt Manufacturing Data Exchange Specification

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ModuleWorks announces that Autodesk, one of the leading CAD/CAM vendors, and DN Solutions (formally known as Doosan Machine Tools), one of the leading CNC machine tool builders, are adopting the recently released Manufacturing Data Exchange Specification (MDES). The vision of MDES is to bring more value to the manufacturing industry by optimally connecting different technologies across software and hardware systems.

ModuleWorks introduced MDES as an open specification for exchanging digital representations of manufacturing equipment between various hardware and software systems across multiple process steps. This covers tool components, assemblies, fixtures, stocks, setups, and their mounting in machine tools. With MDES, ModuleWorks aims to facilitate the formation of an open ecosystem that can be used by any company to efficiently exchange machining data between different hardware and software platforms. 

Autodesk and DN Solutions are among the first companies to adopt MDES. The specification is expected to simplify and optimize data transfer between their two solutions to enable more effective workflows between the CAM programming office and the shop floor. 

Dr. Yavuz Murtezaoglu, Founder & Managing Director of ModuleWorks said: “It is a pleasure to see two leading software and hardware innovators validate the impact MDES can have on the industry and their trust in ModuleWorks as a steward of this open specification. As a neutral software provider, we are committed to our partners for the fast-paced development of software components for CAD/CAM system developers, CNC Controller Manufacturers and Machine Tool Builders. With MDES, we extend our commitment to any manufacturing stakeholder who can benefit from simplifying manufacturing data exchange and reducing barriers to software adoption.” 

Autodesk is a Strategic Partner of ModuleWorks and has integrated ModuleWorks toolpath technology into its Fusion 360® product. The early adoption of MDES enables Fusion 360 users to output MDES data, providing additional information for the machining process and reducing setup time on the CNC machine.  

“From inception, our intent with Fusion has been a platform that brings cloud technology’s advancements to all the people, machines and software involved in the design and manufacturing process,” said Autodesk’s Al Whatmough, Director, Product Design and Manufacturing Solutions. "We're eliminating bottlenecks that reduce accurate and effective communication. Smarter machines on the shop floor, using CAM data, will yield better outcomes when they understand an operator’s intent, rather than just blindly follow commands. The MDES open standard is the major step the industry needs toward improving the problematic communication between CAM software and machine tools. We’re excited to see this new standard enable companies like DN Solutions to offer machines that further increase manufacturing productivity,” Whatmough said.

DN Solutions is one of the largest CNC Machine Tool Builders and a provider of integrated, smart manufacturing solutions to a wide range of industries. DN Solutions has a technology roadmap with ModuleWorks to bring more functionality such as the ModuleWorks Machining Simulation and Collision Avoidance System to its CNC Machines.  

Wonjong Kim, CEO of DN Solutions said: “At DN Solutions, we strive for continuous innovation of our integrated manufacturing solutions with a focus on user-friendly digital transformation technology to enable smart factories. Our partnership with ModuleWorks brings additional technological value to our machines by minimizing risks and reducing machine setup time. Early adoption of MDES will ensure that machine operators can harness our latest technology to optimize their processes with less setup time. We are excited to see support of MDES from industry leaders such as Autodesk which will accelerate widescale adoption of the new open standard.”

ModuleWorks is exhibiting at EMO 2023 in Hannover, Hall 009, Booth D08, where the MDES data format will be demonstrated in Fusion 360.

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For More Information about MDES: 

  • Visit for more information on MDES 
  • Visit for more information on MDESLib - Equipment 
  • Visit the ModuleWorks live session on MDES at the EMO Innovation Forum: Hall 9 Booth G32 at 16:30 on Thursday, 21st September 2023.

    About ModuleWorks

    ModuleWorks is the leading software component provider for the digital manufacturing industry. With over 200 employees and 1500 person-years of software development, ModuleWorks’ expertise in toolpath creation and simulation is recognized throughout the industry and its software components are already optimizing the performance and quality of over 500,000 installed seats of CAD/CAM and CNC software around the world. From standard products to exclusive development projects, ModuleWorks helps companies to bring their vision of Industry 4.0 to life. With its comprehensive portfolio of cutting-edge software components, ModuleWorks enables its customers to optimize their CAD/CAM solutions and connect to CNC/MTB systems to increase their competitiveness and help them Get There Faster.

          More information about Autodesk and Fusion 360: Autodesk Fusion 360
          More information about DN Solutions: DN Solutions

Verantwortlich für den Inhalt dieser Pressemitteilung: ModuleWorks GmbH

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